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Want Better Relationships? Learn How to Pause
I am currently writing a book on relationships. I am really excited to get [...]
Take Goals Off the Table if You Want Better Results
My friend used to be a competitive bodybuilder, and he did quite well for [...]
Go with Your Gut – Intuition Saved Me from Identity Theft
There is a reason we have this built-in tool called intuition. It protects us [...]
The Magic Way to Turn a Negative Experience into a Positive One
During my time in web development and marketing, I had two different clients come [...]
Are You Lonely, Even Though You are Surrounded by People?
Someone very close to me is going through a rough time, and she is [...]
If You are Reacting to Them, It’s Probably About You
A few days ago I experienced a real opportunity for growth. This opportunity, which [...]
The More I Love Myself, the Less I Need Anyone Else
Self-love has never been easy for me. My generation was raised to believe that [...]
Don’t Rob Someone of Their Experience
Throughout my life, I have had a lot of experience dealing with people who [...]
Resistance is Futile, Instead, Go with the Flow
I don’t know about you, but I have a real problem with resistance. There [...]
Setting Boundaries Might Just Save Your Life, It Did Mine
Boundaries is a word that is tossed around a lot and many of us [...]
Do You Feel Guilty for Having Bad Thoughts?
I had a situation a few weeks back, and it made me wonder; does [...]
You Don’t Need to Know Why
Always needing to know why, is something I struggle with daily. Whether I am [...]
Is Helping Someone Else Ever Selfish?
A friend asked me this question today. If someone helps another person only to [...]
The Top 5 Mindful Apps to Help With Your Daily Spiritual Practice
We all get caught up in our busy lives, and it’s easy to forget [...]
Are You Waiting to be Perfect Before Doing Something Great?
Like many people, I often struggle with insecurity and self-confidence. I expect myself to [...]
Are You Afraid to be Alone?
I have some wonderful girlfriends in my life. At least two of them are [...]
Is it Okay to be Angry With God?
Let’s be honest. Life can get pretty tough sometimes. You work hard; you take care [...]
Are You Being Authentic, Really?
“Being your authentic self is one of the hardest things in life to do.” [...]
Your Spiritual Spring Cleaning Checklist
As we stumble through life, often we feel lost or disconnected. I frequently get [...]
Could More Compassion Change the World?
Although I think of myself as a compassionate person, I learned a lesson recently that [...]