On Death & Dying: What Grief Has Taught Me

By |2024-04-21T15:57:09+00:00April 21st, 2024|Categories: Acceptance, FEATURED, Gratitude, Grief|

Someone very close to me is gravely ill. He has stage 4 lung cancer. Watching this person suffer is breaking my heart. I want so badly to jump in, take over, and fix it. The situation is beyond my control, and I hate that. What my family is going through is not new, but I [...]

A Different Kind of New Year’s Resolution: Treat Yourself Better in 2024

By |2024-01-08T22:45:17+00:00January 8th, 2024|Categories: FEATURED, Gratitude, Love, Peace|

Most of us don’t treat ourselves very well. Sometimes, it plays out as perfectionism. Unless everything we do is 100% perfect, we tell ourselves it’s no good. Some of us work ourselves to death and can’t say no to anyone, even when it is damaging to our own well-being. Many of us use more subtle [...]

How to Thrive During a Pandemic

By |2020-04-21T14:05:40+00:00April 21st, 2020|Categories: Acceptance, FEATURED, Gratitude, Mindfullness, Real Life|

I credit my cousin and his wife with my spiritual rebirth that occurred a few years ago. They contacted me when I was at the lowest point in my life, and I needed help. They reminded me of things I knew to be true but had long ago suppressed. I found my way back through [...]

What are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving?

By |2019-11-24T16:37:29+00:00November 24th, 2019|Categories: FEATURED, Gratitude, Thankful|

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and thankfulness. Most of us live hectic lives, always on the move with barely enough time in the day to stop and think. But Thanksgiving is one holiday where we pause long enough to ask what am I thankful for? Thanksgiving Every Day Some people start gratitude journals [...]

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