Connect With Me
Dawna M. Roberts
Welcome to More Positive Outcomes! I’m Dawna, and I am a writer, web developer, and single mother. Two years ago, I experienced the worst year of my life, and I was sure I wouldn’t survive it. As it turned out, that awful year proved to be the greatest gift ever! Help came to me in the most unexpected way, and now my life is completely different.
I started this blog to share my (ongoing) journey and my stories to help others, suffering or struggling in life. If you have ever asked the question, “is this as good as it gets?” Let me tell you, as one who has suffered deeply, and never thought it would change; there is hope, and no it doesn’t have to be – life can be so much better!
Join Me on My Journey
Over the past year, I have learned how to turn virtually impossible situations around to positive outcomes (hence the name). I would like to share with you, my weekly posts of what I am learning and how it improves my daily life. I promise to be completely honest here so that you receive the maximum benefit and get MORE out of your life than you thought possible!
Don’t Miss a Thing
I don’t want you to miss anything, so sign up below for my weekly newsletter, where you will receive the latest issue of my journey and learn what I learn as I go along.
You will never receive any spam, and I don’t sell personal info. I promise all you will get is my shared blog posts each week.
You also get a FREE copy of my eBook Top 10 Relationship Mistakes You are Probably Making when you sign up.
My Goal
If I could make one wish, it would be that every person had access to and the ability to want to make similar changes in their lives so they could live their best, most amazing life ever! What I received (this second chance) is truly a gift, and I want to “pay it forward” to thank those who have helped me along my path.
Let’s start at the beginning…
My first few blog posts will give you an idea of how bad things were and then later posts show how amazingly different things are now.
Each and every day I learn something new about myself and my choices. I am amazed and delighted to find that my life is not static, and I can have the things I want by making changes in ME, simple, practical changes which change my entire reality.