I am excited to have completed my book on relationships, which I will be launching soon. I still have a few slots left if you want to read a FREE copy and provide an honest review.

Real Life and Relationships Don't Mix

Real Life and Relationships Don’t Mix

The title of my book is Real Life and Relationships Don’t Mix. I named it that because it’s easy to fall in love and keep things going smoothly when life is calm. Once you have kids, get sick, or experience money troubles, things suddenly get complicated, and it’s much harder to stay in sync with your partner. Additionally, we all carry baggage into our romantic lives, and we fall into unhealthy behavioral patterns that can destroy our happiness.

My book is a teaching memoir about my 22+ year relationship with Glenn. We had more than our share of troubles, including alcoholism and bipolar disorder. Glenn and I fell in love, destroyed our relationship, and broke up. We spent eight years apart and fell in love again, this time very differently. In my book, I tell our story while summarizing everything I learned and providing reader exercises to help you experience the same growth and transformation I did.

Although my book is about our relationship, it is really more about my journey from someone who lost themselves in the relationship and suffered because of it. During ten years of healing, I learned to put myself first. I developed a daily practice of meditation, self-love, and compassion. My self-improvement efforts made me better in relationships and helped me carve out a life that I love.

My Audience

I hope to help women aged 40-65 who have been in at least one serious relationship. Maybe they are in one now and very dissatisfied. I want to throw these women a life raft and show them how to build self-confidence, empower themselves, and learn to be more independent. You can fix a lot of what is wrong with your relationship without your partner doing anything. It’s true!

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If you are interested in reading my book and want a FREE copy in exchange for writing a short, honest review, click the link below to sign up:

ARC Reader Group Sign-Up

I appreciate your support.

I am very excited to launch my book soon and help other women find happiness by investing in themselves.