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Make 2020 Your Most Mindful Year Ever!
With the new year approaching, many people make New Year’s resolutions. I do not [...]
Food and the Holidays
The holidays are upon us, and food is the focal point of many of [...]
Perfectionism is My Name, Insecurity is My Game
I am a type “A” personality. It’s in my nature to strive to be [...]
Detachment is Nothing Like I Thought it Was
Many years ago, when I attended Al-Anon meetings, I used to hear the phrase [...]
What are You Thankful For This Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and thankfulness. Most of us live hectic [...]
Be Careful What You Wish For
We’ve all heard the phrase “be careful what you wish for.” My mother used [...]
I Use Meditation for Sleep, and I Sleep Great Every Night!
I have never been a good sleeper. Even when I was a kid, I [...]
I Used the OM Sound to Train My Cat
About a year ago, someone posted a video on Facebook that showed a man using [...]
We Are All Just Human
I have noticed that lately, I am feeling very judgmental towards everything. I can’t [...]
Marriage is Not for Everyone
Continuing with my relationship series, I want to talk about something that makes some [...]
Do You Hate Your Own Emotions?
There are times when I cannot stand my own emotions. I get angry with [...]
Not Everyone is Going to Like You
My best friend’s mother is going through a tough time right now. She attends [...]
I Am Not Good at Letting Go
Today I realized that I have a real problem with letting go. I find [...]
How to Live in This World as an Empath
The word empath can throw people off and sound a little too mystical, but [...]
Are You Obsessed with Self-Improvement?
My cousin, his wife, and I are all on similar paths of growth and [...]
Broken is Beautiful
There was this unforgettable Twilight Zone episode (one of my all-time favorites) about this [...]
Do You See Things in Numbers?
I have never been into numerology or anything like that. Then about two years [...]
Are You Putting Your Happiness on Hold?
I do this all the time. I tell myself once I get rid of [...]
Blame is the Name of the Game These Days
It seems like pointing fingers and tossing around blame is pretty common these days. [...]
The Quickest Way to Feel Good When You are Feeling Bad
Last Friday, I had an interesting conversation with my hairdresser. She is a spiritual [...]