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What Story Are You Telling Yourself?
I am in the process of selling my house right now. Thanks to the support [...]
Change is the Key to Everything
Many of us get stuck in our routines. We find comfort in things that happen [...]
Distraction is My Worst Enemy
As a creative writer who works from my home, I have realized over the past [...]
How to Stay Calm All Day Long
I have been using this new app on my phone called Calm. It’s a meditation [...]
When You Feel the Fear, Walk Through It
Everyone has fears. I know I do. I don’t know what happened. When I was [...]
Guilt Can Ruin Your Life and Destroy Your Happiness
For the past year, I have been drowning in a sea of self-imposed guilt. Guilt [...]
Is It Hard For You to Ask For Help?
Many of us grew up independent with a sense of pride in taking care of [...]
Does Evil Really Exist?
Humans are complex creatures, but we as a society have gotten into a terrible habit [...]
The Emotional Journey vs. Taking Action
I have always been an action-oriented person. When a problem arises, I leap into action. [...]
Do You Have Great Friends?
I have never been the life of the party and I don’t make friends easily [...]
How to Protect Yourself Against Someone Else’s Negativity
We all know that friend or family member who drains you with their negativity. After [...]
What to Do When You Are Flailing?
I love the word flailing. It perfectly captures the moments when I feel out of [...]
Are You Passionate About Your Work?
I was on the phone with my brother this morning when he told me he [...]
Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
I love the metaphor of "which came first, the chicken or the egg? It comes [...]
Hope is Just the Beginning…
I have been thinking a lot about hope lately. I believe it’s the most powerful [...]
The Storm Isn’t Coming, So Why Worry?
Last night an alert popped up on my phone warning me of “hazardous weather conditions” [...]
Are You “Should-ing” All Over Yourself?
A good friend of mine recently chastised me for “should-ing” all over myself. After thinking [...]
Momentum is the Key to Everything
You’ve heard the word momentum used with athletes but did you know it’s also the [...]
Not Everyone Wants to Fix Themselves
It’s so easy to see what is wrong with everyone else and much harder to [...]
Forgetting Wipes the Slate Clean
I recently watched a movie about a man who had temporary amnesia. Often when I [...]