I was on the phone with my brother this morning when he told me he had an epiphany about work and passion. This occured after a particularly big fight with his wife which turned out great because they were finally honest and laid it out on the table. That’s when the magic really happens, and you can start to fix things. Honesty is an excellent catalyst for growth.

Great Things Sometimes Come out of a Bad Situation

He realized during their discussion that he hadn’t been happy in his career for some time and that unhappiness was coloring the other parts of his life. He was bringing home his stress and frustration, and it affected his relationships with his wife and kids.

My brother is born coach and motivator. When he talks about helping people and coaching them to greatness, he just lights up. You can hear the fire in his voice. He was meant to inspire others.

You are Your Best, When You are Happy

Over the past couple of years, however, he has gotten away from coaching and focused more on sales. He said he feels like a dull saw and his sharp skill set has been worn down. He wants to get back to feeling the passion in his work again so he can be happier, people can benefit from what he knows, and his family can enjoy a better version of him.

I admire his willingness to face it head-on. Most people are genuinely miserable in their work, and they don’t even know it. Once they finally realize it, it is usually too late, or they ignore the problem and hope it goes away. Even worse, they think it’s the job, so they move onto a new one just like it and within a few weeks realize they are miserable there too.

Make a Change

I made the same radical transition a few years ago from web development to writing, and now I live my passion every day. I love what I do. It fulfills me in a way other jobs never did. Work doesn’t feel like work anymore. I craft messages that teach and help people. I motivate and inspire with my words, and I cannot imagine a higher calling in life.

The majority of people working in America work to live, but they aren’t doing what they love.

I have a friend who has no real interest in anything. So even though he hates the work he does, he doesn’t like doing anything else. Finding his passion might be very tough. Most of us, however, know exactly what we want.

What is Your Passion?

I bet if someone asked you, you wouldn’t take two seconds to answer the question “if you could do whatever you want every day, what would it be?”

You know what you like and what you want to do. I think the key is in getting back to that and finding a way to make that passion your career. Think of how much happier and healthier you would be if you loved how you spent your days? Think of how happy your friends and family would be to see you succeed and enjoy life more. Your freedom and enjoyment would inspire them to make a change as well.

Life is not meant to be suffered through; it is meant to be enjoyed. Don’t spend one more day doing what you hate. Find your passion and live it, before it’s too late!