I am in the process of selling my house right now. Thanks to the support of family and friends things are coming together nicely and moving very fast. The interesting part is that for the past year I have been telling myself a crazy story. My story was completely false and prevented me from even starting on this new path.

Where Did That Idea Come From?

I can honestly say I don’t even know where some of these silly thoughts come. But I kept thinking that no one would want to buy my house because it needed some minor paint work inside and the basement needed to be cleaned out. Now looking at it, this stuff is incredibly small and doable within a week. To me, it felt like climbing Mt. Everest so I never even looked into it.

Dissolve a Belief and Start on a New Path

Now that I have decided to downsize to a more comfortable living situation, the possibilities are endless. Once I dissolved my inaccurate beliefs about my house and made a few phone calls, I found out that my house is worth much more than I ever dreamed. When it sells, I am going to be in a great financial situation and can travel and live with much more freedom than ever before. I took assumptions and old beliefs and told myself they were the truth. I exaggerated obstacles until I couldn’t see past them and this prevented me from living my dream.

Let Hope In, and the Possibilities are Endless

The part that shocks me the most is that I let myself listen to my negative thoughts for so long. I used a tiny bit of information that came from a vague source about a year ago and I devalued my house by thousands of dollars. I didn’t even question it, because I was so overwhelmed by the other minor issues. It is amazing what happens when you stop thinking the same limiting thoughts over and over again and allow something new in; hope and possibility.

Once I started to consider that maybe my house was worth more than I thought, things really started to get exciting. I was thrilled to be so wrong in this instance and find out there are options and solutions where once I saw none. It only happened when I started paying attention to the spiritual guidance that was right there in front of me. It all started with this crazy postcard ad I received in the mail which set me on a path of finding out the truth, taking next steps and starting this exciting journey.

Create Your Own Story, Not the One Your Mind is Telling You

Your life is exactly what you created it to be, whether you believe that or not. Take a look back at the threads of your life. You will see that the steps you took all started with one little thought. You, like me, are probably making way too many assumptions and calling your own twisted ideas truth. It might be a good time to examine some of that and see if it is really is the way you think it is. From now on, question everything.

This situation was a great lesson for me. I want to remind you that if you are pretty set in your ways and your thinking, try opening up your mind and letting something else in. Maybe the story you are telling yourself is not the one you want to be living. I bet there are opportunities you haven’t even thought of just waiting for you!