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Breaking the Bad Habit of Overthinking
Thinking, thinking, thinking, that is what the mind does. Sometimes, this is a good [...]
Flip if Over, You’ll Be Surprised
Recently I completely renovated a condo and I moved in last week. I was [...]
Instead of Helping, Try Holding Space
I was listening to a Calm Meditation the other day, and it reminded me [...]
How to Thrive During a Pandemic
I credit my cousin and his wife with my spiritual rebirth that occurred a [...]
It’s About Progress Not Perfection
Progress, not perfection, is a slogan used quite liberally in AA to offer participants [...]
Try Meditation Instead of Wine
My go-to relaxation method after a stressful event or a tough day was a [...]
Wait a Minute, It Will Change
Here in New England, we have a saying, “If you don’t like the weather, [...]
Detachment is So Important Right Now
The world is in a state of uncertainty right now, and it is causing [...]
Stop Letting Fear Drive You
When I was a kid, I wasn’t afraid of anything. I ran around outside [...]
Grasping Keeps You Stuck
I listen to a lot of Abraham Hicks, and I read a lot of spiritual [...]
Do You Care What People Think of You?
For most of us, the answer to that question is yes. Even if we [...]
Hold on Loosely but Don’t Let Go
I grew up during the ’70s and ’80s, and I love the music of [...]
Want More Control Over Your Life? Surrender
Over the weekend, I had a splitting headache. Along with that, I spent about [...]
I Can’t Shake This Resentment – Can You Help?
Recently I have been bothered by this recurring resentment. There is a person in [...]
Are You Teaching or Preaching?
There is a big difference between teaching and preaching. Many of us are inclined to [...]
Miracles Are Everywhere if You Pay Attention
A miracle is defined as “an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.” [...]
Are You Addicted to Suffering?
I am currently reading “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. [...]
How to Deal with Difficult People
Most of us don’t live in a Nirvana where everyone behaves perfectly and treats [...]
I Healed my Food Allergies Through Meditation
About ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Soon after, I was [...]
It Feels So Good to Be Authentic
A good portion of my life was spent trying hard to be what everyone [...]