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good health, success, and happiness beyond your wildest dreams!
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Are You Looking for Something You Already Have?
I used to love watching romance movies or TV, and I even read dozens [...]
Love Isn’t Enough
There is nothing quite as extraordinary as falling in love. Those first few months [...]
10 Easy Ways to Self-Soothe
When you feel stressed or insecure, you just want to feel better. You want [...]
Shake it Off
At some point in your life, I am sure you have heard “shake it [...]
I Don’t Care Anymore
I am in the process of writing a book about relationships. It’s a very [...]
You Don’t Have to Show Up to Every Fight That You Are Invited To
Someone close to me is in a 12-step program. A saying from AA that [...]
What I Have Lost Over the Past Year
Pretty much everyone would agree the past year and a half has been tremendously [...]
I Healed Myself from Head to Toe and You Can Too!
Since my early twenties, I have experienced various stomach and digestive issues. For a [...]
Have You Tried Healing with Body Talk?
Throughout my life I have grappled with various health issues. Sometimes I go through [...]
Awareness – Give Yourself a Voice Before It’s Too Late!
I learned something valuable recently. In my romantic life, I always held something back. [...]
I Can’t Wait Until This is Over!
That statement is an idea that often takes center stage in my life. It [...]
The Easy Way to “Choose” to Change Your Reality
I read a lot from various spiritual leaders like Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Joe Dispenza, [...]
I Don’t Know What I am Doing
I am a person of action. I get things done, and I don’t typically [...]
10 Mindful Hacks to Make Life Easier
I am sure you would agree; anything you can do to add more peace [...]
How to Create More Balance in Your Life
If I were to ask you, “Do you feel like your life is balanced? [...]
Celebrate Those Tiny Spiritual Victories!
When you are on the path to a more spiritual you, we tend to [...]
Just When You Gave up Hope of it Happening; It Did!
Life is really interesting. Maybe you have been pining away for an old flame, [...]
Good vs. Bad, Right vs. Wrong – Contrast is What Makes Life Great!
Life has changed a lot in a very short time for just about everyone. [...]
If You Believe it, You Are It!
I suffered a series of blows a few years ago, which consisted of some [...]
Be a Leader Not a Follower: Do Something Different
As if we didn’t have enough going on with the COVID situation, now we [...]