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Relax and Let it All Go
This year I had one of the best holiday seasons that I can remember. I [...]
I Want to Come Clean – I Am Guilty of Lying
I want to be real honest here so let me make this very clear, I [...]
How Much Pain & Suffering Until You Take Action?
There is a phrase in AA which I love called the “gift of desperation.” It [...]
Meditation is My Wonder Drug – I am Cured!
About seven years ago I developed Celiac disease and then along with it Hashimoto’s disease. [...]
The Art of Using Faith to Heal Yourself and Others
I have been reading a fantastic book recommended by my cousin. It was written many [...]
Rid Your Life of Judgment Along With Me!
I don’t know if you are as excited as I am about Gabby Bernstein’s new [...]
Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Live a Lot Happier!
I watched a great Gabby Bernstein webinar the other night with a bucket full of [...]
Guide to Having a Relaxed Holiday Season
I used to overthink everything. My mind raced wildly and tossed around every contingency, every [...]
Are You Ready to Start Living Without Fear?
I don’t know about you, but I hate being told what to do. It’s my [...]
My Secret Shame – Anxiety
If you have ever experienced crippling anxiety, you know what I mean. The worst part [...]
What Would it Feel Like to Let Go?
Last Saturday I went to change all my clocks for daylight savings. When I went [...]
Live Like You Are on Vacation Every Day!
It seems like everything you hear on TV, in the news and ads tell you [...]
Worry is a Moving Target
Are you a worrier? Does your mind race at night going over a giant list [...]
Why I Couldn’t Sleep In My Bed For Five Years!
I bet you have something in your life that you aren’t doing or can’t do [...]
Expectations Are Resentments Waiting To Happen
Resentments are a big issue for most of us. I don’t just mean in daily [...]
Why Won’t Everyone Just Do What I Want?
I have been feeling a lot of irritation lately. People just aren’t behaving the way [...]
Why Do We Resist What is Good For Us?
I am guiltier of this than anyone. There are so many “little” things in life [...]
Are You Looking For Trouble?
People looking for trouble is something I have noticed quite a bit lately in a [...]
The Hidden Healing Power of Forgetting
It’s annoying to forget an appointment or pay a bill. However there is also a [...]
Mindfulness Can Help You Get Through Any Emergency
I was watching a video on mindfulness this week. The people interviewed were recounting stories [...]