This year I had one of the best holiday seasons that I can remember. I have learned how to really relax and I am thoroughly enjoying this winter. I was pondering what made it so different for me, and then while having dinner with a friend the other night, it dawned on me. I have become so different that things don’t mean as much to me as they used to. That might sound odd or even bad, but I don’t mean it like that.

Just Let Go a Little

What I am saying is that I no longer put enormous importance on events, holidays or even everyday occurrences. I don’t need anything to be perfect anymore. My new favorite saying is “it’s good enough.” By taking all the pressure off and not needing to wear the perfect outfit, cook the perfect meal, have all the perfect presents, by just allowing everything to be good enough, it makes me feel happy and peaceful. I don’t hold on so tightly anymore to anything or anyone. If something does or does not happen, it just doesn’t mean that much to me. Not caring so much has made me a happier person.

I remember what it used to feel like before. I used to stress over so much and everything was way too important. The weather used to put me in a bad mood, and I would fret about forecasted storms and then worry all through them. Now, I don’t even think about the weather. Most people have to tell me when a storm is coming, and I just ignore the whole thing, and it all works out.

It felt awful to be afraid all the time. Now I don’t even feel worried when serious things happen; I simply trust that they will work out and cannot hurt me.

Letting it Be, Rather Than Forcing or Controlling

I am not “avoiding” things; I just don’t give them any importance in my life. I try to keep my thoughts focused on only what is important to me. By doing this, I find that through spiritual law, the bad stuff ends up being un-eventful and not affecting my life at all. I breeze through difficult days, and I feel it when I am in the flow and not forcing or trying to control things. It works best if I take my hands off the wheel and let my spiritual guides drive.

Recently a close friend commented about how different I am now and how I used to be scared of everything and now I am not. It was nice to hear my changes reflected back to me by someone who knows me well.

Change Inspires Hope

I hope my changes and growth will inspire others, especially friends and family to want to take their journey further and let go of all this worry, anxiety, fear, and judgment. It is not worth it to hold onto all that baggage.

I have learned to lean into loving life and the little things. I do a lot of nice comfort things just for me like enjoying a hot cup of cocoa by the fire, things, which make me happy. I don’t feel guilty working less and making the same amount of money; I deserve to be happy and healthy. I deserve to live an easier life.

We were not meant to suffer. Although I know people who would disagree with that, it is true. We are meant to be happy and joyful creatures, and I for one am moving towards that goal and making it my primary path. I hope you will join me!