It Will Change, I Promise

By |2023-10-01T22:49:53+00:00October 1st, 2023|Categories: Change, Detachment, FEATURED, Worry|

I was having an interesting conversation the other day with this lovely yoga studio owner. She said something that reminded me of one of the main themes in my daily mindful practice. It is to remind myself repeatedly that no matter what is happening, it will change. People Can’t See Beyond the Pain Whenever something [...]

I Forgot to Be Afraid

By |2023-09-25T13:20:04+00:00September 25th, 2023|Categories: Acceptance, Fear, FEATURED, Forget, Forgiveness|

If you’re anything like me, you live with a lot of fear. Many of us do. I can become overwhelmed quickly and feel anxious about the simplest things. However, recently, I forgot to be afraid, and here is what happened. Forgetting is Letting Go My daughter asked for my help with a project for school. [...]

Put Yourself First

By |2023-09-18T13:12:43+00:00September 18th, 2023|Categories: FEATURED, Self-Care, Self-Love|

I was working with a coaching client over the weekend when she came to an enormous epiphany: she was putting everyone and everything ahead of her own well-being. We all do it occasionally, some of us more than others. It’s high time you put yourself first for a change. Selfish vs. Self-Care Many of us [...]

Empowering You in Relationships

By |2023-09-11T18:42:01+00:00September 11th, 2023|Categories: Authentic, Boundaries, Empowering, FEATURED|

Everyone wants to feel empowered, but not all of us do, especially in certain situations. I have always been super independent and strong-willed, except in a relationship. In my romantic life, I handed over the keys and gave away all my power, which was unhealthy for me. In business, I was successful, but in relationships, [...]

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