I Want to Come Clean – I Am Guilty of Lying

By |2018-01-10T16:52:09+00:00January 9th, 2018|Categories: FEATURED, Healing, Judgment, Lying, Real Life|

I want to be real honest here so let me make this very clear, I lie. This is an area of my life where I used to think I was perfect and never dishonest. I had this obsession with honesty. When someone lied to me, I would go nuts and feel hurt and betrayed. My self-righteous [...]

Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Live a Lot Happier!

By |2017-12-06T13:07:47+00:00December 6th, 2017|Categories: FEATURED, Happy, Joy, Real Life|

I watched a great Gabby Bernstein webinar the other night with a bucket full of great advice on how to be more mindful, and in alignment. During the talk, a guest asked the question “how do I help others when I feel so insecure?” You Don’t Have to Be Perfect To Help Others I loved Gabby’s [...]

Guide to Having a Relaxed Holiday Season

By |2017-11-28T23:03:32+00:00November 28th, 2017|Categories: FEATURED, Mindfullness, Real Life|

I used to overthink everything. My mind raced wildly and tossed around every contingency, every plan, every detail. The holidays were especially stressful for me, and I ruined them by trying to make everything perfect. I wanted every gift to be exquisite, the food to be fantastic and my decorations to be magical. I put so [...]

Are You Ready to Start Living Without Fear?

By |2017-11-21T22:54:13+00:00November 21st, 2017|Categories: Fear, FEATURED, Mindfullness, Real Life|

I don’t know about you, but I hate being told what to do. It’s my stubborn side even if the person telling me what to do is me! I read a lot of spiritual guidance books, watch videos and listen to podcasts of gurus in the spiritual enlightenment space. They all talk about fear. Fear is [...]

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