How to Manifest Anything You Want in Life

By |2019-02-05T16:11:09+00:00February 5th, 2019|Categories: Acceptance, Faith, FEATURED, Gratitude, Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Momentum, Real Life|

A few weeks ago, the selling of my home had stalled out, and I was feeling pretty down about it. My good friend who doesn’t hold back hit me between the eyes with it and told me I was impatient, and it would happen but just not on my time. I know better, I know [...]

If You Don’t Like Something, Don’t Worry It Will Change

By |2018-12-10T15:57:49+00:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: Change, FEATURED, Manifesting, Mindfullness, Real Life|

I used to think I hated change. Then after my surgery, I changed everything just to get away from who I was and how much I hated things in my life. It was good for me to alter everything. It pushed my comfort level further and helped me to deal with uncertainty better. I embraced change [...]

Feeling Good is All That Matters

By |2018-04-03T14:54:11+00:00April 3rd, 2018|Categories: Alignment, FEATURED, Happy, Joy, Manifesting|

Life can feel pretty hard sometimes. But we tend to make it much harder than it has to be. If you listen to any Abraham Hicks teachings, you will hear the statement over and over again, “feeling good is all that matters.” That is your only goal in life. Sounds pretty simple huh? I grew up [...]

The Secret to Manifesting Anything You Want Quickly

By |2019-04-15T14:05:05+00:00January 24th, 2018|Categories: Creative, Faith, FEATURED, Law of Attraction, Manifesting|

I have been watching a lot of Abraham Hicks lately, and so much of it resonates with me deeply. Most of the talks are about the thought, reality creation connection, and manifesting things we want in life. Although many have said it before, when I hear it from Abraham Hicks, it just seems to make so [...]

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