Have You Ever Been Flailing?

By |2025-01-15T14:07:07+00:00January 15th, 2025|Categories: death, Emotions, FEATURED|

I remember the first time someone told me I was flailing. It was over ten years ago after my big surgery and my breakup. I told my therapist that I felt lost, alone, and completely broken, and she said, “It sounds like you’re flailing.” What a great way to describe what I was feeling. It [...]

I Wanted to Run Away

By |2023-08-14T19:25:06+00:00August 14th, 2023|Categories: Emotions, Fear, FEATURED, Insecurity|

The other day I was in my boyfriend’s basement, and we were about to watch a movie. I expressed concern over his morning which hadn’t gone according to plan, and he got angry. He was struggling with a bad mood (which I didn’t know), and suddenly I wanted to run away. My Unhealthy Default For [...]

It’s Just One Bad Day

By |2023-08-08T13:30:28+00:00August 8th, 2023|Categories: control, Emotions, FEATURED, Meditation, Positive|

It might feel like the end of the world, but it’s just one bad day. The worst for me is when I feel great and passionate about work and my life, and then I wake up the next day feeling crappy for whatever reason. But how do you handle that? My 18-Hour Training Week with [...]

How I Cured Celiac and Hashimoto’s Disease

By |2023-03-20T14:39:23+00:00March 20th, 2023|Categories: Emotions, FEATURED, Healing|

Diseases, especially auto-immune disorders, are at an all-time high, and doctors will tell you they are incurable. Well, I am here to tell you that is not necessarily true. I suffered for 20 years from both diseases and I cured Celiac and Hashimoto’s, without medication, surgery, or any other type of medical intervention. Old School [...]

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