Life After Death – The Amazing Rizzy Miracle!

By |2017-06-06T14:45:22+00:00May 30th, 2017|Categories: Healing, Joy, Life After Death, Real Life|Tags: , , |

Many people have asked me why I would write with such joy and happiness about the death of my beloved pet. I will tell you why and why I don’t mourn for my beautiful friend. Rizzy’s death was huge for me in a very spiritual enlightening way. Through his passing, Rizzy showed me an incredible miracle! [...]

You Can’t Change the Weather – Or Can You?

By |2017-05-31T13:03:35+00:00May 21st, 2017|Categories: FEATURED, Healing, Real Life, Spiritual Life, Weather|Tags: , , , , |

I live in New England, and there is a joke which goes, “if you don’t like the weather, wait a minute, and it will change.” It is true; our climate is volatile at times. It is like a pendulum swinging wildly from freezing temperatures in the morning to high 90’s later in the day. Then sometimes [...]

The Client From Hell Taught Me a Great Lesson!

By |2017-05-07T18:42:48+00:00May 6th, 2017|Categories: EFT, Healing, Real Life|Tags: , |

I have worked for myself for over twenty-five years, and I thought I had seen it all. I have worked with many great clients and some not so great clients. The other day, however, this guy took the cake for worst client ever! Everything Was Going Fine - the Client Was Happy For the past few [...]

Can You Stay Best Friends With Your Ex?

By |2017-05-07T18:37:41+00:00April 5th, 2017|Categories: EFT, FEATURED, Healing, Real Life, Relationships|Tags: , , |

Staying friends with your ex can be a very tricky one, and I have to say, for most people the answer is probably going to be a big, fat no! Who Left Who When I got divorced, 15 years ago, my husband said he wanted us to stay the best of friends.  Within weeks of the [...]

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