Want More Control Over Your Life? Surrender

By |2020-02-18T17:47:10+00:00February 18th, 2020|Categories: Acceptance, FEATURED, Surrender|

Over the weekend, I had a splitting headache. Along with that, I spent about 11 hours preparing my taxes that were super complicated this year due to some major life changes. To say I felt stressed would be a major understatement. However, I learned a good lesson about surrender in the process. Surender for More [...]

How to Deal with Difficult People

By |2020-01-14T20:24:07+00:00January 14th, 2020|Categories: Acceptance, Compassion, Empath, FEATURED|Tags: , , , |

Most of us don’t live in a Nirvana where everyone behaves perfectly and treats us how we would like to be treated. Therefore, a skill worth having is knowing how to deal with difficult people. Not Everyone Has Good Manners Last week I worked on a project that I reluctantly took on because my client [...]

Make 2020 Your Most Mindful Year Ever!

By |2019-12-24T15:27:50+00:00December 24th, 2019|Categories: Acceptance, Calm, Compassion, FEATURED, Resistance|

With the new year approaching, many people make New Year’s resolutions. I do not because they seem like a diet rather than a lifestyle change. However, I do like to evaluate my life and see where I can create positive change to become more of the person I aspire to be. For this upcoming year, [...]

Food and the Holidays

By |2019-12-17T17:55:59+00:00December 17th, 2019|Categories: Acceptance, Boundaries, FEATURED, Food, Forgiveness|

The holidays are upon us, and food is the focal point of many of our gatherings. There is nothing quite as lovely as walking up to a table laden with rich sweet treats and savory trimmings. However, for some people, food is an issue, and this time of year is more challenging than ever. Food-Related [...]

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