Expectations Are Resentments Waiting To Happen

By |2017-10-11T12:16:46+00:00October 11th, 2017|Categories: EFT, FEATURED, Real Life|

Resentments are a big issue for most of us. I don’t just mean in daily life, but they can build up and cause a lot of physical and mental health issues down the line. Most people don't even realize they have them. It saddens me when I see someone form a resentment towards another person, and [...]

Why Won’t Everyone Just Do What I Want?

By |2017-10-03T20:29:54+00:00October 3rd, 2017|Categories: EFT, FEATURED, Mindfullness, Real Life, Relationships|

I have been feeling a lot of irritation lately. People just aren’t behaving the way I want them to. I chuckle as I write this, but it is true. The rant going on in my head goes something like this: “Why can’t people just be nice?” “Why does everyone have to be so rude?” “My god [...]

Why Do We Resist What is Good For Us?

By |2017-09-26T14:28:54+00:00September 26th, 2017|Categories: Change, FEATURED, Real Life|

I am guiltier of this than anyone. There are so many “little” things in life that I could do, should do and they would improve my life tremendously. But for some strange reason, I resist doing them. Recently though, I have been trying to change all that. Little Things Add Up To Big Things I have [...]

Are You Looking For Trouble?

By |2017-09-20T12:34:59+00:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: FEATURED, Law of Attraction, Real Life|

People looking for trouble is something I have noticed quite a bit lately in a lot of different circumstances. I think many of us get bogged down with the tribulations of life. Then we just expect the worst all the time from everyone and everything. By doing so, we expect it, and therefore we create it [...]

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