I bet you have something in your life that you aren’t doing or can’t do that you desperately want to, but fear is holding you back. I had a lot of those things, but the most unsettling one was not sleeping in my bed.
The Infamous Ice Storm
If you live in New England, you will remember the big ice storm of 2008 where most of us lost power for more than ten days. Even the cell towers were down, so we were pretty much stranded for a short time. Lucky for me, I had installed a generator outside my home for just this kind of emergency. It came on automatically, and powered most of my home for the entire outage. I invited others to come over and enjoy our warm, semi-powered house for comfort.
One day near the end of the outage, I began to feel sick and exhausted without having done anything. Every time I ate a meal, I felt nauseous, and I had a headache that wouldn’t go away. It wasn’t until we had lunch with a friend and she mentioned carbon monoxide poisoning that it dawned on me what might be going on. Sitting there at the table, I could feel the fear creeping in, and it wouldn’t let go.
The Scary Answer
On the way home, we purchased some CM detectors, and I plugged them in right away. Immediately they started screeching at the highest decibel level. I called 911 to see what I should do, and they said to leave the house immediately. The emergency crew showed up and found our house full of toxic carbon monoxide; my bedroom was the worst. The fireman told me that if I had gone in there for five more minutes, I would have died.
We were taken to the hospital and treated for CM poisoning, and both my daughter and I recovered. Soon after though, I got very sick with a virus which resulted in Hashimoto’s disease and Celiac, leaving me forever scarred by this event. The physical issues were bad but nothing compared to the emotional trauma I carried with me.
Fear Robbed Me of Sleep
I wouldn’t admit it even to family or friends, but I was scared to death of my bedroom after that and couldn’t sleep in there. I felt ashamed that I was so scared. So, I paid a crazy amount of money to move my generator up the hill, more than 50-feet away from the house, yet the fear remained. I slept on the couch in silence for five years.
During my EFT work last year, I focused some of my trauma healing on this event. Miraculously, about eight months ago I tried sleeping in my bedroom, and I experienced no fear at all. I fell right asleep and slept like a rock. I have been enjoying the beautiful comfort of my soft bed ever since. If ever there was a miracle, this is it for me!
It is unfortunate that I wasn’t aware of any options for healing during that five year period where I suffered on a lumpy old couch. My ignorance robbed me of the fantastic, restful sleep I now get to enjoy every night. So I want to get the word out loud and clear, you can heal ANY FEAR, ANY TRAUMA and move on in your life with a tiny bit of work.
There Is a Solution!
If there is something in your life that you are avoiding, or perhaps you still feel the sting of an event earlier in your life, don’t wait! Do something right now and get past it so you can enjoy your life again. I highly, recommend EFT for clearing old traumas and deep meditation for even further healing.
You can be completely free of your fears and live the life you want! Just take that one step forward, and you will be amazed at the constant miracles you experience every, single day. It is NEVER too late.
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