Do you feel like there is a black cloud over your head most of the time? Suspect that you must have crossed paths with a black cat? I bet you feel like nothing in your life ever goes right and you are pretty sick of it huh? I bet it has been going on for a long, long time. Would you be shocked to find out that YOU are the cause of all this “bad luck” and you can fix it, pretty quickly?

I see this so often, people experiencing a long string of unfortunate events, one after another. They can’t seem to break the cycle, and they have no idea that they are causing it themselves. Most people try and find someone or something to blame. Sadly this will not fix the problem or bring them any peace. Just like with any issue, if you don’t address it, it will only get worse.

What You Hate, You Will Attract

One of the most powerful statements that I have ever heard is “what you hate, you will attract.” When we are unhappy or stressed, we often make it worse by dwelling on all our bad luck and complaining to anyone who will listen and then we fall into a giant vat of self-pity. Once you get stuck there, it’s pretty hard to dig your way out. This pattern, however, is simply a bad habit which you can break.

A close friend of mine is drowning right now in a frenzy of frustration, stress, and bad luck. Every word out of her mouth is constant complaining. The frantic energy comes off her in waves, and it’s hard to be around. She would be shocked to hear that by talking about it and thinking about all that negativity, she is making it much worse and bringing even worse things into her life. The more she hates it, the more she attracts it.

Law of Attraction

There are many schools of thought in the spiritual arena, but one thing which we all agree on is that we “attract” exactly what we project in our lives. Negative thinking and emotions only draw more of it. If you go through life feeling joy, love, and spiritual peace, you will attract those things instead. There is great power in our thoughts and emotions. You have the power to direct your thoughts through intention to get exactly what you want. If you don’t however, then you will get what you get.

I have been on both sides of that fence, and I like it much better being more conscious of my thoughts and making sure what I attract, is what I want to bring into my life. That wasn’t always the case though.

My Bad Luck Self-Pity Party

For many years, I caused myself a lot of pain and suffering and I was an expert negative thinker. I experienced multiple serious injuries and illness along with a shed fire, a flood, and other crazy calamities all in the space of a few short years. I blamed God, other people, other things and anything which took eyes off me. Finally, my conscious reality creation coach told me straight to my face to “stop ranting about all this stuff and do something about it; you have the power to change it.” To be very clear, I had asked for this straight talk and was willing to hear it so I could change it. If you aren’t willing, nothing will ever change. So if you want to stay miserable, stop reading now and don’t go any further.

As we cleared some of my more serious physical issues, and I became more consciously aware of my thoughts, I still resisted the idea that I was the cause of all this “bad luck.” I realize now; bad luck is not a thing; we co-create our reality with our higher self, so there is no one to blame, but ourselves. Luck is simply a silly notion we made up to avoid taking responsibility for our actions.

The Solution

Once I finally took responsibility for creating all this havoc in my life, I realized she was right; I could fix it. I changed my belief about luck and started to focus more on joy, gratitude, and love and within a few short weeks, my “bad luck streak” broke. Again, the key here was that I WAS WILLING to hear it and change it, so it changed.

Now I rarely suffer any occurrences of unfortunate, unplanned events, and if I do, I always look for the lesson there. What did I need to experience and what did I need to focus on and resolve? Why did I bring this into my life and awareness?

It may sound easy, but it really is. Take a good hard look at your life.

  • Are you experiencing a LOT of negative stuff?
  • What are you doing about it to fix it?
  • Are you making it worse by complaining and blaming someone else?

If you want things to change and your life to improve, take a few minutes to step back and see it for what it is. Try taking responsibility and instead of your old habit of blame or complain, immediately ask for help. Ask God/The Universe for guidance, pray about it, meditate on it, and you will be shocked to find, you actually can break that cycle and start a much better one today!