Detachment is So Important Right Now

By |2020-03-24T18:58:09+00:00March 24th, 2020|Categories: Acceptance, Anxiety, Detachment, FEATURED|

The world is in a state of uncertainty right now, and it is causing a lot of panic and anxiety. Yesterday in the midst of it all, I had a day, unlike any other. I had a busy day planned with various client phone calls and some writing deadlines. Somehow, along with that, I fielded [...]

Detachment is Nothing Like I Thought it Was

By |2019-12-02T23:41:41+00:00December 2nd, 2019|Categories: Boundaries, control, Detachment, FEATURED|

Many years ago, when I attended Al-Anon meetings, I used to hear the phrase “detachment with love” often. I understood the concept, but when I tried to apply it in my own life, I failed miserably. I Was Not Very Good at Detachment At the time, I was involved with an alcoholic who had some [...]

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