Forgiveness is talked about a lot but rarely put into practice. It is hard for us as human beings to let go of hurtful things. The gifts of EFT and meditation are excellent in helping to erase those traumas and let the love flow back into places where only pain and resentment have lived for so long.
We all have people in our lives who have hurt us or done things to upset us. The thing is this; when we hold grudges or keep pent-up resentments towards someone else, it hurts us more than it hurts them.
Emotions and Physical Wellbeing
You may express your resentment over and over by mistreating someone who has wronged you, and that isn’t healthy for your relationship. But continued dwelling on something that happened in the past, it so much more damaging to ourselves.
When you carry around a lot of anger or hurt, it builds up in your subconscious and eventually will result in physical ailments. So much distress over time can even cause cancer and other serious, life-threatening illnesses. I know because I did this to myself.
The key to making sure you keep your physical wellbeing is in keeping your emotional health in check.
Isn’t It Time to Let Go?
Valentine’s Day is not just for lovers. It is the perfect time to think about all the people in your life. Dig deep to see if you are holding onto some past event and then let it go. The best gift you can give this Valentine’s Day is forgiveness.
Genuine forgiveness does not mean you are condoning bad behavior and it does not mean the other person “got away with it.” It says you are willing to let go and completely forgive them for being human and hurting you. The most critical step in forgiving someone is forgetting about it. If you say you forgive and then keep bringing the memory back into your mind, you have not really let it go.
Give it For Healing
In spiritual terms to forgive is to “give for healing.” Many a night, I have worked with God/The Universe in giving something for healing. As an extra step, I always ask for help in forgetting about it completely, so I don’t bring it back and cause both myself and the other person more pain.
True forgiveness frees your soul. It makes you feel lighter, happier and more joyful and isn’t that really what Valentine’s Day is about? Who couldn’t use a little more love today? Forgive someone you love and let the joy flow.
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