I credit my cousin and his wife with my spiritual rebirth that occurred a few years ago. They contacted me when I was at the lowest point in my life, and I needed help. They reminded me of things I knew to be true but had long ago suppressed. I found my way back through their connection. Because of this, I learned how to thrive during a pandemic rather than suffer.
How Are You Doing?
Many people have reached out to me to ask how I am doing. I am a little cautious about responding because I am doing great. I know that not everyone is experiencing things the way I am, and I don’t want to make anyone feel bad or question why we are in different places. My cousin sent a text last week asking, and he openly shared that he too is doing great. I believe that because of our strong spiritual beliefs and daily practices, we are devoid of fear. We aren’t experiencing this pandemic the way most people are. We aren’t absorbing all the panic that the news and media are putting out there. Instead, we are embracing gratitude rather than focusing on what we don’t have or can’t do. Gratitude makes all the difference.
There is So Much Wellbeing Raining Down on Us
A recent Abraham Hicks video on YouTube reminded me of this very idea. Even with all the turmoil going on around us, there is so much wellbeing, peace, joy, and even fun to be had. I know how that sounds, but it is true.
Tips to Thrive During a Pandemic
I thought it might be helpful to put together some tips on how to thrive during a pandemic rather than get swept away by all the negative aspects of it.
- Start meditating or if you already meditate, find a new, fun way to take your meditation practice to the next level.
- Try tapping (EFT) to release your anxiety and fears.
- Stop watching the news and “looking” for information on the virus or statistics. Lean into faith instead – it’s not your problem to fix.
- Try to be mindful of your thoughts and feelings. The more you notice them, the more control you will have over them. Let unpleasant thoughts and feelings pass; don’t grasp onto them and let them take you for a ride.
- Start reading an uplifting book by one of the spiritual gurus. One of my favorites is “The Universe Has Your Back.”
- Listen to Abraham hicks or podcasts of other spiritual teachers who offer a message that resonates with you and makes you feel better.
- Help someone else. There is nothing that feels better than giving or helping. Often it takes your mind off your own problems.
- Don’t dwell on fear-based thoughts; let them pass.
- Start a gratitude journal and let the thoughts of what you are grateful for flow. Jot down every little thing, and as the list grows, you will realize how fortunate you are despite the current circumstances. You might even start to feel more lighthearted and joyful. Gratitude is magic!
- Accept, accept, accept. This is how things are; you cannot change it, so why waste time worrying about it or resisting it. Acceptance feels so much better.
Remember, nothing stays the same. Everything is continually changing, and this too will pass, and we will all come out the other side, perhaps better for it.
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