Life can feel pretty hard sometimes. But we tend to make it much harder than it has to be. If you listen to any Abraham Hicks teachings, you will hear the statement over and over again, “feeling good is all that matters.” That is your only goal in life. Sounds pretty simple huh?
I grew up learning that we had to work hard, struggle and get very little satisfaction from life. I also learned that emotions were bad and we should be suppressing them whenever possible and never, ever express them. So I built up a Great Wall of China around my emotions and kept them suppressed for many years.
Imagine my surprise at hearing these emotions are our guidance system. All this time I should have been giving them all my attention instead of stuffing them way down deep and burying them in a hole.
Now that I know feeling good is my only job and a critical piece of the puzzle for manifesting things I want, it feels like a refreshing change of mind.
Ok, so how do you get there from here? When all that you see claims your attention and you cannot seem to get your mind off that pain in your back, or the nasty guy at work or the tax bill coming due soon, how do you find a way to “feel good?”
Baby Steps
I love the Abraham Hicks teaching about resistance. We all have a lot of resistance to many of the things we want the most, good health, money, abundance and relationships. But your logical mind may have trouble getting all the way from A to Z in one jump. So how about we make it more comfortable by taking baby steps.
Say you don’t have enough money to pay your tax bill and you have no idea where to get it. Instead of changing that fear thought from “I don’t have enough money to pay my taxes.” To “I have plenty of money to pay my taxes.” Which you know is not true, and you’ll never buy it. You take a small step towards something that feels a little better such as “I have enough money to put food on the table and a roof over my head, and I will figure out the rest.” Or something even better “I have some of the tax money needed and the rest will come to me when I need it.”
Both of those statements carry less resistance and bring a better feeling to you, a feeling of relief. Regardless of what you are seeing, hearing, and experiencing right now, you can find a gentler, better thought.
Although you may not get from fear to joy in one step, you will make your way up the path towards a better, more positive outcome.
Learning to take your focus off your current circumstances and place it back on your emotions is the key to deliberate creating.
Soothe Yourself Into Alignment
You can use little affirmations to soothe yourself back into alignment. Just choose a thought that is one step closer to a good feeling and one step away from a negative feeling. Some helpful thoughts might be:
- I think on purpose, and I am the creator of my reality.
- We are all worthy beings, and I deserve to be happy.
- I will not just take action, but I will wait for inspired action.
- If I tend to my feelings first and foremost, they will guide me toward alignment.
- It’s about the feeling of the manifestation, not the actual manifestation.
- I am right where I am. I am right where I am supposed to be.
- Feeling good is all that matters.
Take a look at what you are focusing on and what you are offering as a vibration from that. If you are stressed about work and offering a vibration of fear or insecurity, you are not in alignment with what you really want. You stay stuck in the state of “don’t want,” until you change your vibration/emotion.
Instead switch your thoughts to something pleasant, focus on anything that makes you feel lighter, more joyful and no stress. Look at pictures of something pleasant, daydream about a vacation, anything that changes your vibration to something better than the negative emotion you are feeling.
Make Your Emotions the Priority
If you make your emotions and feeling good your top priority, the rest won’t matter. That is not to say you will not have the things you want and need. But you will have a secure, faith-driven feeling about them and not worry when they aren’t in your present reality. They will come to you swiftly when you are a good feeling place.
If you think about something and don’t feel uplifted and positive, stop at that moment and re-phrase the thought to be more pleasant or at least less resistant.
Regardless of what is going on around you, if you hold a practice of monitoring every thought to keep yourself in a high vibration of feeling good, there is nothing you cannot manifest quickly and easily!
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