I am guiltier of this than anyone. There are so many “little” things in life that I could do, should do and they would improve my life tremendously. But for some strange reason, I resist doing them. Recently though, I have been trying to change all that.
Little Things Add Up To Big Things
I have been trying to motivate and inspire my daughter to try meditation to relieve her anxiety, and she said to me the other day “I feel resistant.” I am not the only one who has told her that it could ease her anxiety profoundly, but for some reason, she hesitates. I hate to see her suffering, but I also don’t want to push. I know how quickly a little anxiety can turn into a lot.
So many of these things I see others and myself resisting are small things, but if employed, they could really make our lives better.
Resistance Is Futile
For example, I use a MAC, an iPhone, an iPad and an Apple watch and it may seem silly, but for some reason for the past two years, I have resisted storing all my files in the cloud. A few weeks ago my MAC crashed, and I had to restore everything from backup. It was then that I finally set everything up to sync to the cloud. Now, a few weeks later, I see the amazing convenience of this tiny change. I can access my files from anywhere no matter what device crashes and I am never stuck.
I can laugh at it now, but I also see the futility of my resistance. I have to wonder why I didn’t do this, years ago; it would have saved me so much hassle.
I also resisted having surgery until my health issues almost killed me. That seems like an obvious one but still, I resisted until I had no choice left.
Pondering the Why
I have a lot of friends in the AA program, and I see this phenomenon with them also. Often they are given a simple, perfect solution to altering their behavior and never being a slave to addiction again and yet; I see this curious look on their faces as they hesitate and resist taking the “good pill.” Amazing!
I am curious what is it about us humans that makes us resist the very things which could heal us, make us happier, healthier and just better all around.
We sure are stubborn creatures, me being one of the most stubborn. But I am not sure that is all of it, I think there must be more to it. It’s not like these changes are hard or even painful, but for some reason we pull back and hesitate, why?
If you have some thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think about why we resist the very things that can help us so much.
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