It’s annoying to forget an appointment or pay a bill. However there is also a wonderful, hidden healing power of forgetting that you can use to your advantage.
What You Feed Grows
There is this story going around on the internet of a father telling his son about two wolves. One wolf is anger, resentment, fear and other bad stuff and the other wolf is love, kindness, forgiveness, and good things. The son asks which one wins, and the father says “whichever one you feed.”
I have found this in my own life, whether talking about emotions or physical ailments. Whatever has my attention and full focus, seems to grow and continue until I shift it.
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
I have reversed this common phrase as this is how I experience frequent miracles of healing. Years ago, I had this strange throat issue where for about three weeks I felt like there was a rock at the base of my throat and every time I swallowed, it felt uncomfortable. I would obsess about it and imagine all sorts of serious illnesses which must be causing it.
Eventually my focus would shift, and it would be gone. It wasn’t until I put two and two together and realized that the very second, I forgot about it, or more accurately forgot to worry about it, it went away.
The Power of Forgetting
This continued practice has taught me how to use this incredible tool for fast healing. I see this work with just about everything I experience now in life, no matter how serious I initially assume it is. Any and all physical ailments seem to vanish if I remove my focus and attention from them. It’s not sporadic or inconsistent but every single time, without exception.
I no longer have to wait three weeks for something to go away. I simply remember (this isn’t serious, I created it and I can un-create it by letting it go and simply forgetting) and voila’ it vanishes quickly.
Again and Again
Over the past year, I have learned how incredibly powerful the mind is and just how much of our reality is controlled by our thoughts. If I want to let go of something, all I have to do is meditate on letting it go or distract myself with something else. I have learned to rely on and allow the natural power of forgetting to work its magic.
The key is to realizing in the moment that you do have control of this and can shift the energy and focus and move away from whatever it is you want healed.
If that doesn’t validate the awesome power of our minds to create and re-create, nothing else will.
So the next time you are beating yourself up for forgetting, remember, you can use that tool to your advantage; re-group, re-focus and put your attention on better things and those will be the things which grow!
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