I have been reading a fantastic book recommended by my cousin. It was written many years ago by this woman who helped people heal themselves, bring wealth, abundance and solutions into their lives. She did so by using spiritual mantras and vision statements. She tells great stories, and I am thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. This book is every bit as relevant today as it was when she wrote it.
The Dominant Thought
One small chapter was about how if you desperately want something, but you focus on something else, that something else is what you are going to get. After reading that chapter, I realized that was exactly what was happening in my own life.
For the past twenty years, I have adopted cats with health issues. People always joke that I only attract men and animals that are broken. I think I started to truly believe that the only type of animal I could have is an unhealthy one.
Last year I lost my cat Rizzy to cancer. A couple of months ago, I adopted a lovely girl kitten for a new companion to my older cat. She is in every way completely healthy. I mentioned to my daughter twice how “odd” it felt to have a cat with two good eyes. Within a week, my brand new kitten started closing her eye, and it started leaking fluid. It got to the point where she could barely open it, and like a light bulb over my head it dawned on me, I did this! I had created her eye issue by believing I could only have cats with bad eyes.
So I went back and re-read the chapter in the book and did a few clearing exercises to rid myself of this belief. Within two days her eye, which had been bad for three weeks cleared up and is now perfectly fine. I had to create the belief within myself that I could actually have a perfectly healthy cat in my home and now I do. It is amazing how incredibly powerful we are with our thoughts and beliefs, and if we can harness that power, we can heal ourselves and other easily.
Faith is the Key
Faith to me is trust. I find it hard to trust others and even myself sometimes. However, surprisingly, I find it easier to have faith in God/The Universe.
Another chapter that I read in the book, was all about turning over our fears, health issues or worries to God/The Universe to relieve them. That solid faith is everything. You can only hand over what you truly expect to be healed or solved. If you are worrying and hand that over but then continue to worry, you never really gave it up at all. You have honestly let go it and have the faith that God/The Universe will guide you towards the best solution or heal your issue.
I have seen this work in my life so much. It’s like sometimes I feel as though miracles are raining down on me every day. It is that profound. But only when I trust entirely, let go and let God/The Universe take over and not try to control it all by myself.
The more faith you I have the more those around us will feel it and trust in it too. The whole world benefits when we are all on the same spiritual path of moving towards love, healing, and joy instead of fear, worry or illness.
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