People looking for trouble is something I have noticed quite a bit lately in a lot of different circumstances. I think many of us get bogged down with the tribulations of life. Then we just expect the worst all the time from everyone and everything. By doing so, we expect it, and therefore we create it and then experience life that way. But I have found, there is a better way.
Issues Where There Are None
Unfortunately, in web development, I see this often. For example, recently I had a client where something minor on their website broke, and so I fixed it quickly. For the rest of the day, they kept emailing me because they found other things they were SURE were broken. Nothing was actually broken. But in my client’s mind, because of this earlier issue, they had themselves convinced of doom and gloom.
It took a lot of patience for me to calmly explain that the issue was completely solved. What they were experiencing was normal and unrelated.
This client was fiercely “looking for trouble” so they found it, even though it wasn’t true or real. From an outsider’s perspective, I found it quite interesting.
The Media and Their Two Cents
I will not bash the media, but I have noticed that they do enjoy fueling the fears of the public. I have friends and family who desperately scour the news each day for impending doom of an “epic storm” or some other tragedy just waiting to befall us all. It’s not so much the story or threat itself. It’s the panicked way they seek out this fearful stuff so they can worry about it.
Recently a few people have said to me “oh-oh, a hurricane is coming.” After last week’s horrible storm in Florida, and the wreckage in Texas, I understand their fear. But do we have to go looking for it?
I completely ignored all the fuss, I didn’t give it any credence, and the storm fizzled out. Now, all we are getting is a bit of light rain. If we just learn to temper all this hoopla with a bit of sanity and patience, often these horrible things that we fear will just pass us by, if we let them.
If You Look For It, Trouble Will Find You
During my two years of work with my energy coach, I discovered a lot of this in myself. I had a terrible habit of expecting technology to break frequently and a belief that nothing ever stays fixed. Then, when something did break, I exacerbated it by expecting it to go on forever and be a huge pain to resolve.
I realize now that this was me creating all this turmoil for myself, and none of it was necessary. My energy coach said to me once “why do you expect it to take so long to be fixed?” “It could just as easily be fixed quickly.” The funny part here is, that thought never occurred to me. I was so fixated on worrying about it and making it more of a hassle, that I never thought it could be solved quickly and easily.
I am thankful at this point in my life to now realize when I am creating problems for myself, and I stop in that moment and try to switch gears and re-create a more positive outcome for myself. This new practice works seriously well. I have to say sometimes I am even shocked at how quickly things resolve and end up being nothing.
Be Present In the Moment
I say it often, but I will repeat it. Simply being present in the moment, conscious of our thoughts makes all the difference. If we can acknowledge and then assess what we are thinking and creating, we have full control and the power to change it. If we don’t, we are subject to whatever our minds serve up.
I frequently ask my higher-self to guide me and always help me to pause so I can switch my focus and re-align my intent before I get into any serious trouble.
Choose Love Over Fear Always
I start off every morning with a prayer asking for help so that I always choose a loving path and a loving choice instead of fear in all areas of my life. This one practice helps to guide me through each day and keeps me on track, so I don’t start looking for trouble. I mean honestly, who needs MORE problems in life, right?
Always choose love instead of fear, and you will find more happiness, more joy, more contentment and less trouble.
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